New Core Assembly Jig

New Core Assembly Jig

As we are seeing more orders for large flat fin cores, we were in urgent need of a new assembly jig that could handle cores up to 2000mm tall and 1500mm wide with 8 fins per inch. After checking with ... read more & leave a comment

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Cummins Gen-Set Refurb

Cummins Gen-Set Refurb

Our service team at Glasgow Radiators received an urgent request from a customer to refurbish a Cummins QSK60 Gen-Set cooling pack. A fast turnaround was essential as the generator was the main power... read more & leave a comment

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Marine Offshore Radiator

Marine Offshore Radiator

One of our off-shore customers urgently needed a replacement radiator for a large crane mounted on a remote oil rig.
With only drawings to work from, we successfully manufactured all required parts a... read more & leave a comment

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G&M and Alutec Visit Dolphin

G&M and Alutec Visit Dolphin

Jeff Thorpe of G&M Radiator and Rob Lowe, General Manager of Alutec recently visited Dolphin Manufacturing LLC to discuss future business and potential for working closer to develop new markets. Pictu... read more & leave a comment

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